Important Dates

Call for Paper & Poster Contributions

SSC 2025 seeks high-quality submissions addressing original research in the domain of social simulation. All work must be original, i.e. must not have appeared in conference proceedings, books or journals, and must not be under review for other archival conferences, books or journals. All accepted papers will be considered for publication in the proceedings (Springer), unless the author(s) choose(s) otherwise. For formatting, see below.

  • Long paper (10-12 pages, excluding references – long oral presentations, will be included in the post-proceedings)
  • Short paper (6-9 pages, excluding references – short oral presentations, will be included in the post-proceedings)
  • Extended abstract (3-4 pages, excluding references – short oral presentations, will not be included in the post-proceedings)
  • Poster abstract (300-500 words, will not be included in the post-proceedings)

Submission Link: TBD.

Poster abstract, Extended Abstract, Long Paper and Short paper — submission deadline: 11th of April, 2025.

Poster Abstract, Extended Abstract, Long Paper and Short paper  — Notification of Acceptance: TBD.

Poster Abstract, Extended Abstract, Long Paper and Short paper  — Final Version Submission: TBD.

Please note that only complete papers can be considered for acceptance.


Registration Link: TBD.

Registration opens: TBD.

Early Bird discount (incl.): TBD.

Registration closed: TBD.

Submission Info

All submissions have to be formatted using the Springer templates for conference proceedings:

Latex template        Word template

Please follow the Conference Proceedings guidelines.

Submissions will be handled through, link will follow soon.

Call for Tracks & Workshops

Special Tracks will be held in parallel during the conference. A special track consists of a group of papers in a sub-area of the larger domain of social simulation and computational social science. All papers will go through a reviewing process on EasyChair and will be assigned to special tracks if there is a match. A successful special track will consist of at least 2-3 extended abstracts and/or full papers.

The deadline for special tracks has closed on January 28th 2025. Please refer to the Conference Program for an overview of special tracks.

Workshops will be held on the workshop day and offer a broad perspective on social simulation employing a “hands-on” approach. The topic of the workshop can be: a) disciplinary (thematic, e.g. sustainability, or methodological, e.g. introduction to Repast); b) career development (e.g. how to succeed in publishing in the social simulation domain); or else (please explain and justify).

The deadline for workshops has closed on January 28th 2025. Please refer to the Conference Program for an overview of workshops.

Other formats, such as roundtables or specific interactive formats, are accepted in exceptional cases.